Women Hair Transplant Mumbai

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Women Hair Transplant Mumbai

Women hair transplant can have a very positive impact on the lives of women experiencing hair loss, hair transplant for women not only helps them achieve physical beauty but also helps them in fighting extreme psychological distress.Before we discuss women’s hair transplant as one of the most promising treatments for women’s hair loss, here are certain stats that might enlighten a bit. Amongst the total percentage of hair transplant procedures performed around the world 17% of them are women.

In every 4 women 1 is suffering from hair loss problem and the number doubles during menopause, this means that in every 4 women 2 face hair loss problems.

In women, hair loss can be triggered by 30 different conditions, amongst these 30 conditions, a few key conditions that are responsible for a major number of hair loss patients in women are:

  • Genetically inherited female patterns of hair loss of around 40%
  • Pre-menopause 10%
  • Women aged 65+ years 50%


Other potential causes of hair loss in women are:

  • Hormone levels
  • Pregnancy
  • Medication
  • Increased stress level
  • Excessive dieting/ Weight loss
  • Deficiency of Iron

As per studies conducted by researchers, it has been established that men are good at handling and accepting their hair loss conditions socially, while 94% of women don’t accept it, 34% of women are highly depressed and 84% of women experience very low self-esteem, with very intense emotions such as fear, humiliation, and shame due to hair loss.


How Harleys can help in women’s hair transplants?

Harley’s women hair transplant clinic in Mumbai will help you in finding out the exact reason for your hair loss and will suggest you the best possible measure to resolve your hair loss problem.

Harley’s hair transplant clinic for women emphasizes finding the cause of hair loss as in many cases women suffering from hair loss don’t even require hair transplant surgeries, as hair loss is not due to female hair loss pattern, in certain cases lost hairs can be regained by following a healthy lifestyle, nutrient-rich diet and by adding supplements.

Stages of women hair transplant at Harley’s women hair transplant clinic in Mumbai:

The procedure of performing hair transplant surgery for women is more or less the same as in men. These are:

Head shaving is not necessary before hair transplant surgery in women. 

An area on the back of the head is selected as the donor area that only needs to be trimmed, this area will be covered by the existing hairs, which means, by no means, one can discover that the woman have undergone a hair transplant surgery.

Once the donor area is selected, local anesthesia will be applied that will make the process painless, and follicles will be extracted.

Considering the natural hairline of the women patient, follicles will be transferred to the recipient area.


Other than hair transplant surgery women can opt for:

Growth Factor Concentrate therapy for hair loss is a non-surgical 3 step procedure for hair loss treatment. In this procedure, the 1st step involves taking a blood sample from the patient, in the 2nd step the blood will be processed, so the red blood cells can be separated from the plasma and in the 3rd step the Growth Factor Concentrate will be injected to that area that needs to be treated. 

Mesotherapy: Needles are specifically designed for injecting medicine directly into the scalp, this treatment helps in reducing hair loss and also helps in promoting hair growth in the affected area.

Diet & Lifestyle: Healthy lifestyle and eating habits, such as including food those are rich in vitamins and minerals that are responsible for healthy hair growth can drastically help you in controlling hair loss and may help in promoting and restoring lost  hair.

Minoxidil is an FDA-approved androgen-independent solution that is directly applied to the scalp, Minoxidil helps in slowing down the hair loss process and also stimulates hair growth. 

If you are considering a consultation book an appointment NOW! Dr. Sumit Agarwal is considered one of the top women hair transplant surgeons in Mumbai.

FAQs About Women’s Hair transplant

As the process of male and female hair transplant is more or less the same, so are the question:

Have I done anything that triggered hair loss?

The female pattern of hair loss is dependent on multiple factors, but sometimes it can be triggered by crash dieting, increased stress level, illness, and hormonal imbalances.

Am I an ideal women’s hair transplant candidate?

If you are someone with a healthy donor area available, have a limited grade of hair loss that can be treated, then you are a perfect women hair transplant candidate. Best would be to consult the hair transplant surgeon.

Does the hair transplant procedure hurt?

Since local anesthesia is applied to the area that needs to be treated, there is no pain after that.

How much time is involved in the treatment?

Typically Hair transplant is a daycare procedure. Your Surgeon will take you through the entire procedure during the consultation.

How soon can I get back to my work?

24 to 48 hours of rest is the maximum time required before you can join your office, though certain patients might need more time to restore their activities.

Visible signs of growth?

It takes around 3 to 4 months before you can see a visible sign of hair restoration on the treated area.

Visible scars?

As Harleys clinic uses the most advanced techniques for hair transplant treatment, so there will be no visible scars

What does a women’s hair transplant cost?

The no different cost is involved in the male or female hair transplant surgery, the cost might increase or decrease by the technique opted by you or the number of grafts required to treat.

Will the hair transplant last forever?

It will last forever if you follow the guidelines provided by your hair transplant surgeon and your hair transplant surgeon is experienced enough to choose the right donor area.

Can hair for other parts of the body be used?

Your hair transplant surgeon can uses hair from other parts of your body other than your head scalp, though you must be fully aware that the property of such hair might differ from your recipient area and your natural hairline might be compromised if not taken care of properly.

Can I join the GYM?

Any activity that might involve heavy weight lifting, must be ignored for two weeks.

Bathing after hair transplant?

You can bathe immediately after a hair transplant procedure, though it is recommended not to wash your hair during the first 5 days of bathing, better use a head cap while bathing.

Any age limit?

There is no maximum or minimum age limit for a hair transplant procedure, the only factor involves is your overall health. The best would be to consult your surgeon.

IF you are a woman seeking a hair transplant procedure, we would suggest consulting Dr. Sumit Agrawal. 

He will assess all your details and will suggest the best possible solution, may it be a hair transplant surgery or a non-surgical procedure.

Call Harleys NOW!  +91 9967333879, +91-22 2630 0749, and book an appointment today!

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