Vertex Hair Transplant Mumbai

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“Vertex” means the top of the mountain and in case of human body anatomy, it means the top of the head.

As Vertex is the top frontal section of your head, it is quite noticeable in case of hair loss.

Your hair style plays a vital role in your overall personality and loss of hair on the vertex might change the way you look.

The feeling of getting bald is itself disturbing and can cause an acute depression that may further result into Irritability, Anxiety, Trouble concentrating, Fatigue, Change in appetite, Delusions, Paranoia, Feel hopeless, Feeling worthless or lonely.

So, if you are observing vertex hair loss, there is nothing to worry about. Dr Sumit Agarwal at Harleys Hair transplant Clinic is considered as one of the best vertex hair transplant or crown hair transplant surgeon.

 Vertex Hair Transplant Mumbai
 Vertex Hair Transplant Mumbai
 Vertex Hair Transplant Mumbai
 Vertex Hair Transplant Mumbai

Vertex is the top most and frontal area of your skull and a wrong pattern created by the surgeon, who is not experienced enough, can ruin your overall personality.

A vertex hair transplant involves both aesthetic as well as cosmetic surgery, so your Vertex hair transplant surgeon needs to be very precise and very experienced to perform a vertex hair transplant surgery.

Dr Sumit Agarwal at Harleys Hair transplant follows the Whorl pattern, so the result of vertex hair transplant has a natural orientation.

Let’s discuss how vertex hair transplant surgeon Dr Sumit in Mumbai will treat your crown of the head through vertex hair transplantation procedure:

Proper diagnosis

A vertex hair transplant at times can be difficult or even impossible, so before even beginning the procedure our vertex hair transplant surgeon will analyze your situation and finalize the hair transplant technique (FUEFUT, Robotics and others) that he will be using to do the vertex hair transplant

Hairline designing

The next step is designing a perfect whorl pattern that needs a very high level of expertise and experience. Dr Sumit your vertex hair transplant surgeon will make sure that he angulates the frontal hair more than 45 degrees and the back drop hair angulated at no more than 15 degrees from the baseline of the scalp.

This precise angulation of whorl by Dr Sumit results in matching the individual looks and as per their facial profile

Vertex hair transplant Process:

  • Vertex hair transplant Surgeon will take hair follicles from the back of the head or may be from some other part of your body.
  • In the vertex area that will be treated, local anesthesia will be injected by the surgeon so that you don’t feel any sort of discomfort or pain during the vertex hair transplant.
  • Small holes will be created by the help of a superfine needle in the vertex area where the surgeon needs to transplant the hairs.
  • Hair follicles will be placed as per the designed whorl pattern.
  • As per your health and following medical guide lines we might not perform the vertex transplant surgery in a single sitting to achieve the required density, so you might need to attend more than one sitting.
  • Once we are done with the vertex hair transplant, you might notice hair growth from the transplanted area within 2-3 months.
  • But, the outcome of the vertex hair transplant surgery might take a year.

If you are experiencing a vertex hair loss, Book an Appointment with us NOW! +91 9320048601 , +91-22 2630 0749 or Fill in your contact details and our vertex hair transplant expert will contact you ASAP

Hair Transplant Before and After

FUE Hair Transplant ! Real Results

FUE Hair Transplant

FUT Hair Transplant ! Real Results

FUT Hair Transplant

Revision Hair Transplant ! Real Results

Revision Hair Transplant

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