Hair Loss Treatment In Mumbai

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Hair Loss Treatment

The hair loss is generally seen as a condition related to ageing men, but this can equally affect virtually anyone and has multiple causes.

On an average, a healthy human being sheds about 100 hairs every day, which is considered as a part of the normal hair growth cycle, but any type of loss in excess is often seen as a painful development.

Most of us take our hair for granted, just like good health and youth. We only realize their worth when they’re gone. For many Individuals, a hair transplant treatment is one of the most reliable ways to bring back hair on their head.

If you’re really worried due to hair loss, thinning or complete balding, then this procedure can help you feel more confident about your looks. However, you can consult the  best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai  to know about what to expect during and after the treatment.

How Does Hair Grow?

Our scalp has about 100,000 hairs and each strand has its own life cycle. A follicle generates a single hair that develops at a speed of half an inch per month. It remains attached to the scalp for 2 to 6 years and then stops for around a month. At any given moment, most of our hair strands are in the growth phase.

Male Hair Loss

Remember, if the hair loss problem starts around the crown or temple area of your head, then you’re suffering from this condition. A few males will get a single bald spot, while others encounter their hairlines going back to a shape of ‘M’. In a few men, the hairline will keep on receding until all or the majority of the hair has perished.

Genes play a major part in inducing the male pattern baldness. Men who have a close relative suffering from male pattern hair loss are considered to be at a higher risk of getting affected by this condition. The risk increases even more if the relatives are on the maternal side of the family.

The usual pattern of hair loss in men starts at the hairline, which slowly recedes in a backward direction and makes a shape like ‘M’. In the end, the hair becomes thinner, finer and shorter, and makes a U-shape (shape of a horseshoe) pattern of hair at the sides of the head.

Genes and male sex hormones are connected to male pattern hair loss. Male pattern hair loss is identified with your qualities and male sex hormones. It normally takes a pattern of retreating and thinning hairline on the head and is brought by genetics and hormones predisposition.

Follicles are small holes (cavity) in the skin of your head from which every single strand grows. For the most part, male pattern baldness happens when the hair follicle shrinks in size over a period of time, which results in shorter and thinner hair. Inevitably, the follicles cease the process of growing new hair. However, the follicles stay alive, which signifies that it’s still possible to develop new hair.

Male pattern hair loss can start as a teenager also, but generally, it affects the hair growth of adult men. The effects become more severe as the age progresses.

Female Hair Loss

A woman’s hair says a lot about her personality! Long, short, smooth, curly, straight, or bouncy! For most of the females, hair is a lot more than a heap of strands. It’s a symbol of their style and identity. This is the reason why many women freak out when they face hair loss problems.

You need to remember that a female hair loss problem is not limited to men only. Females lose hair the same way males do, whether it’s on a short or long-term. Women usually face the problem of hair thinning and in some cases, the bald spot in the center of their scalp starts becoming wider. Some women might even develop a bald spot at the crown of their scalp. However, a receding front hairline is something which isn’t witnessed by females (except some unique cases).

 Hair Transplant Treatment for Women
 Hair Transplant Treatment for Women

Hair Transplant Treatment For Women

Hair transplant in mumbai is considered as one of the most reliable and effective ways to treat the hair loss problem not only for males but in women also. The process incorporates transferring hair from fuller areas to thinning scalp areas. Female pattern baldness is also known as Androgenic Alopecia and unlike males, women don’t have to face complete baldness if they’re suffering from female pattern baldness.

How much Hair Loss Is Considered As Normal In Women?

Just like men, women also shed around 50-100 strands each day. This is the reason, you shouldn’t freak out if you find a few hair on your comb and garments every day. However, if you’re witnessing hair thinning and losing hair in high amount every day, then it’s important to visit the best hair transplant surgeon in Mumbai.

It’s important to understand the Normal hair growth cycle, before knowing how hair loss occurs. The hair follicle (root) is an anatomical structure that produces & extrude (push out) a hair strand. Hair grows in a continuous cyclical pattern of Growth, Degradation & Rest known as the “Hair growth cycle”. There are three phases of Hair Growth cycle:

  1. Anagen/ Growing phase
  2. Catagen/ Degradation phase
  3. Telogen/ Resting phase

About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. This Anagen (Hair growing) phase lasts for a period of 2-6 years. The hair grows approximately 1 centimetre per month during this phase. This is followed by a brief period of Catagen (degradation) phase, of 2-4 weeks, in which the follicle is almost completely degraded. The Telogen(resting) phase then begins and lasts for 2 to 4 months. About 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 3 to 4 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place. On an average, 50-100 resting hair shed every day. This is the Normal hair fall seen in everyday life. These hair will regrow on their own.

A number of factors can affect the Normal hair growth cycle & cause temporary/ Permanent hair loss including Hormonal & nutritional factors, Stress, Thyroid disorder, skin diseases, medications, radiations, exposure to chemicals.


 Hair growth cycle
 Hair growth cycle


Generally, in the majority of people, hair grows about a half-inch every month, and more than 90% of their hairs are effectively developing at any given moment. On the other hand, the remaining 10% is in an inactive phase. Following a few months, this inactive hair drops out and its follicles start developing new hair, while the other active follicles start to go into the inactive stage. Remember, hair loss is different from shedding hair. Hair loss is a condition in which a hair drops out and doesn't grow back again.

Humans regularly shed hair during stressful situations, for example, childbirth, failure in life, divorce and other emotionally overwhelming events. Quite often, many people confuse between shedding hair and hair loss.

Humans regularly shed hair during stressful situations, for example, childbirth, failure in life, divorce and other emotionally overwhelming events. Quite often, many people confuse between shedding hair and hair loss.

The medical term for hair loss is Alopecia, which isn’t limited only to scalp. In some cases, balding can be triggered over the entire body due to some illnesses and medications, but genetics account for most of the cases on the scalp.

Hereditary Hair Loss

Hereditary baldness is the most well-known reason for hair loss. It isn’t a disease, but a natural condition brought about by some hormone levels, mixture of genes and the ageing procedure. As age progresses, every man and woman will witness some level of balding. However, more than 45% of males and females will go through a more visible type of problem. Balding usually starts in the late 20s and early 30s, but the changes in women are mostly visible after menopause. The condition is also known as androgenetic alopecia.

Apart from heredity, visible problem of hair loss can be attributed to a wide range of factors, such as:

  • Extremely Rough Hairstyles or Treatments Hairstyles that usually utilize rubber bands, rollers or hair clips, or pull hair to make some tight styles can damage and scar hair follicles. This effect is also caused by inappropriately used chemical products like bleaches, hair dyes, permanent curl solutions or straighteners.Hair loss can be permanent, but that depends on the level of damage. This is considered as one of the major reasons for hair loss women.Hair loss can be permanent, but that depends on the level of damage. This is considered as one of the major reasons for hair loss women.

  • Hormonal Imbalances In females, hormonal movements due to menopause, pregnancy, childbirth, hysterectomy or consumption of birth control pills can prompt more hair follicles than normal level to enter the inactive stage.

  • Disease Or Surgery The adverse effects of illness or surgery may induce the human body to stop the non-essential tasks such as hair production temporarily. Some of the diseases that may also trigger this problem are iron deficiency, syphilis, lupus, thyroid disorders or severe infection. A condition known as alopecia areata, results in quick hair loss in different parts of the body.

  • Heavy Medications Cancer chemotherapy, which damages follicles in its effort to eliminate all the fast developing cells in the body, is quite a commonly known reason for hair loss. Hair shedding also occurs due to side effects of some other medications as well, like the ones used in the treatment of gout and high blood pressure. Extremely high level of Vitamin A intake might also contribute in problem, but only in a few cases.

  • Ageing  The hair growth slows down as humans become old and it’s a natural process.

  • Deficiency Of Nutrition Anorexia and bulimia are heavy eating or dieting disorders that may temporarily force hair follicles to cease growth. This problem can also develop because of insufficient mineral, vitamin or protein intake.


  • Omega 3 acid is a necessity for hair growth. To make up for this deficiency, a glass of water with flaxseeds (alsi) on an empty stomach is recommended.
  • An amla a day keeps hair problems away. Start your day with an amla. Amla is already a proved remedy for hair problems, that’s why it is used in most hair care products for women.
  • Soak 5 almonds every night in water and eat them with their skin on.
  • The scalp requires a lot of cooling. That’s why it’s almost compulsory to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Also, fluids like buttermilk, lime juice and coconut water should be consumed.
  • Your hair is essentially protein. Therefore chicken and eggs should be eaten on daily basis.
  • Coffee and tea should be controlled.
  • Milk’s benefits are countless, that is why you should drink at least two cups of skimmed milk a day.
  • Apply a paste of methi seeds on your scalp for half an hour once every week, and drink methi water on empty stomachs.
  • Fruits are very important. You should eat at least 2-3 fruits a day like strawberries, bananas, apples, mangoes, chikoos, and grapes.
  • Go green- eat is the mantra of the modern era and it shouldn’t stop with food either, greens like spinach, cabbage, peas etc. contain a lot of iron that is needed to strengthen your hair.
  • White meat can do wonders for your hair. Fish, Chicken, eggs are great for your hair, but try and avoid red meat.
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