1. How Hair Transplant Surgery Functions?
Hair transplant is actually about migrating (transplanting) the hair follicles from the back of the scalp to the thinning or balding sites on top of the head. Hair transplant procedure is a permanent solution because the hair follicles extracted from the back and sides of the head are genetically immune to hair loss, and their relocation doesn’t affect this characteristic.
2. Will Hair Transplant Results Look Natural?
Hair transplant surgery, when performed by Dr Sumit Agrawal, can look so natural that nobody will be able to find out that you’ve got the treatment. You should know that the skills and techniques of different surgeons vary and so do their results. To make sure that you get the best results from your surgery, you need to visit Harleys Hair Transplant clinic, which is renowned for its world-class services and results.
3. How Long The Surgery Takes?
A usual session of hair transplant in mumbai usually requires a full day of surgery, which is done on an outpatient basis (for 1,500 to 3,000 grafts on average). For example, if your surgery starts early in the morning, then you can go back home by afternoon or in some cases by evening.
4. Is Hair Transplant Surgery Painful?
In the donor and recipient areas, the patients will be given local anaesthesia. Almost every patient has reported that they didn’t feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery. However, after the surgery, there might be some numbness and swelling in the treated area, also some mild discomfort. This numbness, swelling and discomfort will subside soon. You’ll be surprised to see that how less painful this surgery is.
5. What’s The Cost Of Hair Transplant Surgery?
The number of grafts and the complexity of the donor and recipient will determine the exact cost of hair transplant in India. The cost of surgery often includes the check-ups and prescribed medicines, but this might vary in different cases. Before providing a cost estimate, the surgeon will examine the patient to find out how much treatment he/she requires.
6. How Many Grafts Will Be Required?
The exact number of grafts required for your treatment is determined only by the level of hair loss you’ve experienced, and how full you want your hair to be.
7. What Is The Healing/Recovery Time After The Surgery?
Thanks to the latest and most innovative technology, the incisions or cuts made in the scalp are very small and minimally invasive compared to the surgeries performed a decade ago. This directly leads to a rapid healing or recovery period. You’ll start feeling fine within a couple of days after the surgery, but a bit of swelling and numbness might remain for a week.
8. Can People Find Out If I Had Hair Transplant Surgery?
No. people won’t be able to point out if you had hair transplantation or not.
However, right after the surgery, your recipient area will look a bit pink and scabs will start forming where cuts were made. Within 8 to 10 days, these tiny incisions will heal completely. If there is no previous hair to hide these scabs, then for the first few days temporary scars will be noticeable. However, you can wear a cap for some days after consulting your doctor. Once the transplanted hair starts growing, the results will look completely natural and no one will be able to tell if you had a hair transplant surgery.
9. Since When The Newly Transplanted Hair Will Start Growing?
Generally, it takes 2 to 3 months after the surgery when the new follicles will start growing new hair. In the initial stages the transplanted hair grows quite thin, but gradually its thickness starts increasing and eventually it becomes thick & full. After a year of the surgery, the hair matures and grows for a lifetime.
10. Are the results permanent?
The transplanted hair follicles, which are extracted from the back and sides of the head, are genetically resistant to baldness. So, they will keep growing hair permanently.
FUE Hair Transplant
FUT Hair Transplant
Revision Hair Transplant
Monday - Saturday: 10:00am - 8:00pm | Sunday: Closed