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Top 7 Dandruff Remedies For Monsoon

Top 7 Dandruff Remedies For Monsoon

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • Aug, 03 2016

Monsoon season in India brings lot of joy and trouble as well. Many people love to roam around and get soaked in rainwater, while others prefer staying indoors and enjoy the heavy rainfall eating spicy foods. However, one problem which affects most of the people is increase in dandruff during monsoon in India.

Before understanding why rainy season increases dandruff, we should first know why dandruff occurs. Malassezia is a fungus that’s responsible for causing irritation, which ultimately results in dandruff.  It separate sebum into small unsaturated fatty acids which leads to irritation that causes dryness and flaking. Besides, in case you have a sensitive skin, the odds of getting dandruff increases. Amid the rainy season, the damp, moist and humid air ends up being ideal for the fungus to flourish.

Remember, it’s not a good idea to leave your head full of dandruff for a very long period of time as it may speed up the process of hair loss. Here are top 7 effective remedies that can help you to get rid of dandruff in the monsoon season. Have a look.
Most importantly, ensure you buy a mild & gentle still highly effective anti-dandruff shampoo. Go for the best anti-dandruff shampoo available in the market that can control the growth of fungus. The best shampoo for dandruff is one that contains piroctoneolamine or zinc pyrithione. If you are witnessing a rapid hair fall, then dandruff can be one of the reasons for your troubles. Hair transplant done by the best hair transplant surgeon in India can solve your problem of hair loss or baldness.

  1. Keep your head dry as much as possible because it will make it harder for organisms to thrive in your hair. In case you get your hair wet in the heavy downpour, then wash it with a high quality conditioner, which will not only remove dandruff, but will make your hair soft and smooth.
  2. Don’t forget to apply the conditioner only at the ends of your hair. Avoid applying it on the scalp in the monsoons as it might increase dandruff.
  3. Take a low sugar diet, which is filled with antioxidants. This will reduce irritation on the scalp, which then controls the growth of dandruff.
  4. It is crucial that during monsoon you decrease the usage of hairstyling and the styling items as they pull in soil, dust and grime.
  5. Brush your hair gently & tenderly. Keep in mind, damage to the scalp results in inflammation, which causes dandruff.
  6. Consume protein, iron and omega 3 fatty acids food items such as fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables etc.

Final Thoughts: These tips can remove dandruff effectively. Don’t make a mistake of neglecting dandruff as it may assist in hair loss. If you’re already facing the problem of hair loss or baldness, then Hair transplant done by the best hair transplant surgeon can prove beneficial for you.

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