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Tips To Control Hair Loss Due To Stress

Tips To Control Hair Loss Due To Stress

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • Jun, 21 2018

Are you experiencing a sudden hair loss? Then possible reasons of hair loss could be a stressful life due to work pressure or you might have experienced mental trauma such as the death of a loved one, divorce, business failure, or sudden job loss or any sort of financial crises can lead to hair loss. This temporary hair loss situation due to stress is also known as telogen effluvium, other reason for this condition could be hormonal changes due to menopause or post pregnancy illness. This situation of hair loss can stay with the person for 6 weeks to 3 months after the stressful period. Though there is nothing to worry, as there are simple steps that can be taken to reduce the rate of hair loss.


Tips to control hair loss

  1. Socialize: At times when we are in trouble and stressed due to a situation, we tend to cut our self off from our friends and family members, as we think they might not understand our situation or might make fun of ours, and we try to solve the problem by our own. . This is not the right way to deal with your problems, as talking to your best buddies or family members to whom you think you can share your problems, they might give you a solution to your problem or if not solution they might give a new prospect that might help you in dealing with the problem in a better way.
  2. Laugh: you might be feeling low due to your stressful life, but if you can find a reason to laugh it would be a great help to you in reducing the stress level, as a good laugh will lift your mood up resulting in lowering levels of stress hormone cortisol and boosts endorphins. So if you finding it hard to find a reason to laugh search for those funny videos on the internet and you will feel better instantly.
  3. Listen to Music: listening to soft music helps in reducing stress, lowering your blood pressure, and heartbeat rates. Listening to natural sounds such as birds, water sound, calms down your thoughts and gives you a passage to relax.
  4. Involve in activities: Involving in activities such as running, morning walk, dancing, gardening or doing anything that gives your mind a doorway from the stress. This will help you ease up your hair loss up to a certain extent.
  5. Meditate: Sitting silently for a while with your eyes closed and thinking about positive experiences that you might have, can help you in getting extreme relief from your stress. Psychologists even believe that mediating daily can help you in getting a healthy and stress-free life in long-term.

These are the simple tips that you can use to get relieved from your stress full life and this will additionally help you in controlling the rate of your hair loss, but, if you think you need an expert advice regarding your hair loss, you can call us Right NOW! On +91 93200 48601 or +91-22 2630 0749 and book an appointment for yourself. We at Harleys hair transplant clinic in Mumbai have the best hair transplant surgeon – Dr Sumit Agrawal, who had conducted 1000s of hair transplant surgeries successfully and provided hair loss solutions to people in India and even to Hollywood celebrities. Fill out our Contact Us Form and we will respond to you soon.

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