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How to prevent hair damage in youth

How to prevent hair damage in youth

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • Feb, 16 2021

Long hair. Short hair. Dry or slick hair, wavy or straight. Ever keep thinking about whether you’re taking adequate care of your locks? Are you utilizing the correct products? Could your cleanser be harming your hair? Would it be a good idea for you to brush your hair pretty much? Within excess of 100,000 hair follicles on your head, it bodes well to get familiar with some hair care tips to keep your hair strong and sparkling.


Your hair type depends upon your skin type


Some of the time, the kind of skin you have influences your hair type. In the event that you have dry skin, you likely have dry hair. The same goes equivalently for oily skin and oily hair. 

While there is a huge load of items available to help adolescents take care more of their skin and hair, however numerous hair items accomplish more damage than anything. 


Causes of Hair damage and its prevention measures :


  1. Washing your hair by rubbing shampoo into the length of your hair
    Delicately rub the cleanser into your scalp. 
    At the point when you wash the cleanser from your scalp, let it flow through the length of your hair and oppose the impulse to rub it into your hair.
  2. Skipping the conditioner
    Use conditioner after every time you wash your hair.
  3. Drying your hair by rubbing it with a towel
    Cover your hair with a towel to ingest the water. 
    Allow your hair to air dry.
  4. Brushing your hair while it is wet
    Let your hair dry and gently comb your hair with a wide comb
  5. Using a blow dryer, hot comb, or curling iron
    Allow your hair to air dry whenever possible. 
    Utilize the most reduced warmth setting. 
    Limit the timely of a hot brush or hair curling accessory. 
    Utilize these devices less oftentimes, focusing on once every week or even less regularly.

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