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Hair Transplant In Young Age

Hair Transplant In Young Age

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • Nov, 18 2021

In the early ’90s Hair loss was considered a problem with the middle age group of men or women, but now with increased pollution, stress and unhealthy lifestyles men or women both can experience hair loss problems in their early 20’s.


Normal hair loss:


Your hair does have a life span, so it is very obvious that you will see a few hairs here and there while combing or during or after a hair wash on the bathroom floor, but this does not mean that you have hair loss issues.

Also, many in our life span may experience unusual hair fall triggered due to many circumstances ranging from medical treatment, hormonal imbalance, lifestyle, trauma, too much hairstyling, and exposure of hair to the harsh environment, restrictive diets, but hair loss due to such circumstances can also not be considered as a hair loss issue.


Simple Test to check if you have hair loss issue


After a hair wash, towel dry your hairs, then comb your hairs with the help of your fingers, after 5 strokes with your fingers, if in every stroke after that you see 10 or more hairs in your hand you may have hair loss issues, but better would be consulting hair loss specialist.


Preventing or slowing down the process of hair loss


Stop excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, hair styling, hair heat treatment, and chemical or bleach treatment, use mild and organic shampoo on your scamp, healthy diet, don’t use a hard brush, use soft fibre brush, proper oiling and head massage to promote cell growth and blood circulation of your scalp.


What is the Right age for hair transplant?


A very common question that patients ask is often during hair loss consultation, is what is the correct age,

Generally, their concerns are, are they too young to get a hair loss treatment or are they too old to get into a hair transplant, and does age have any impact on the outcome of hair transplant treatment?

To be frank, there is no right or wrong age for a hair transplant surgery, patients as young as 21 to as old as 70 both are eligible for a hair transplant surgery, the only requisite is that they do not have any contradictory medical or surgical prolonged condition and do have a donor area.


Is hair transplanting a one-time solution?


If you are consulting an experienced hair transplant surgeon and if you are too young, he will discuss with you a long term plan, as hair loss is a progressive condition and if you are losing hair now chances are that with advancement in age you might suffer hair loss further at a later age, keeping this in mind you hair transplant surgeon will discuss with you the best possible hairline that will age naturally,

In any such condition patients at a later age will be in a condition to opt for further corrections by undergoing a revision hair transplant surgery that will look more natural.


Age & results?


Hair transplant surgeries are minimally invasive so these can be taken care of through proper medication and advice from an experienced hair transplant surgeon and the results do not matter with the age of a patient.


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