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Factors Affecting The Cost of Hair Transplant in India

Factors Affecting The Cost of Hair Transplant in India

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • May, 05 2015

If you have been facing the problem of baldness then you may have thought about the cost of hair transplant in India. It’s a bit difficult to find an exact cost of hair transplant in India, because of various factors.

Factors affecting the cost of hair transplant in India

  • Number of hair strands supposed to be transplanted: The cost of this cosmetic surgery is greatly influenced by the number of hair strands needed to be transplanted. If the number of hair strands increases, the price of procedure goes higher automatically. In a majority of cases, the top hair transplant surgeons quote the cost considering the number of strands to be transplanted.

If you need more grafts then you have to pay more, but some of the top hair transplant surgeons in India offer ‘volume discounts’ through which you can save money.

  • Surgical techniques: With technological advancement in the medical field various types of hair transplant techniques have developed. Some of the major hair transplant procedures are mini grafts, scalp expansionFUE/DHT and flaps. All these techniques are generally priced differently and the latest procedures are costlier than the older ones.
  • Location of the surgeon: you may be aware of the fact the cost of living varies at different parts of the world. So, it’s quite usual to find surgeons based in different parts of the globe asking for a different amount. You can say that areas, where the cost of living isn’t high, may have surgeons who charge less compared to surgeons based in areas with high cost of living.

For example, cost of hair transplant in India is lower compared to hair transplant.

  • Surgeon’s Reputation: Apart from the surgeon’s location, the reputation of the hair transplant surgeon also affects the cost of the procedure. The top hair transplant surgeons in India may charge a bit more, but their level of service is also outstanding. Still, the top hair transplant surgeons charge far less amount of money compared to their counterparts in Dubai or Muscat.

Find an expert and affordable surgeon

You need to do a little research to find the best surgeon who charges a decent cost of hair transplant. Read reviews, visit website and get a quote from a reputable surgeon who is known to deliver excellent results. Contact the best hair transplant surgeon in India and discuss your hair related problems in detail. Remember, you should never forget discuss your medical history with the surgeon before undergoing the treatment.

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