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Diet for Preventing Hair Loss

Diet for Preventing Hair Loss

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • Jun, 02 2018

We keep on changing our hair products one after other with a hope that one day we will get a perfect product for our hairs, but what actually happens that our hairs keep falling at times more or less, and we feel helpless.


The reasons for falling hairs can be many such as stress, age, hereditary, use of chemicals on our head in form of hair treatment, our eating habits, smoking, drinking and many others. Though we always have a thought in the corner of our mind how celebrities do manages to maintain such gorgeous hairs. Do you even know if their hairs are real? No, you don’t right!


To improve your hair growth and manage them well, first you need to learn that your hairs are made of keratin and it’s a kind of protein, so if you want to improve and manage your hairs well you need to include a good amount of protein in your diet with other nutritional supplements,


So let us discuss the diet that you can include in your diet plan that will help you in improving, maintaining beautiful and healthy hairs for a longer period of time.

Diet for improving and maintaining Hairs



Include a good amount of water consumption in your daily routine it will help you keep your body hydrated and provide a good amount of moisture to your hairs.


Vitamin C:

Include diet that can supply a good amount of Vitamin C in your body, such having a glass of lemon water, Orange, Guava, Kiwi, Red/Green peppers, Strawberries, Papaya, Pineapple, Grapes, Mango. Having a Vitamin C rich diet will ensure a quick hair growth.



If you want long silky hairs, we would recommend adding fish in your diet plan, as fishes are a great source of omega-3 fatty acid. Adding fish to your diet will improve natural source of oil in your body that will help in improving head scalp resulting silky and healthy hairs.


Green leafy veggies:

Green leafy vegetables are a great source of iron and including green vegetables like Spinach, Asparagus, Mustard greens, fresh onion leaves, Brussels sprouts, Arugula will improve the iron source in your body, and this will prevent hair damage and breakage.


Seeds and Nuts:

If you are a vegetarian, it would be hard for you to find out the right source of fatty acid like Omega-3, which can be easily obtained by including fish in their diet plan, for non-vegetarians, but for vegetarians, what you can do is include seeds and nuts like Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and flax seeds, these will improve the source of Omega-3 in your body.


Vitamin A:

If you are suffering from dandruff or itchy scalp, lack of vitamin A could be one of the main reasons for it, to get rid of such situation include:

  1. Vegetables: Sweet potato, Pumpkin, Carrot, Collards, Spinach.
  2. Fruit: Apricots
  3. Milk and Alternatives: Cottage cheese and low-fat cheese, skimmed milk, yogurt
  4. Meat: Liver, Cod liver oil
  5. Fish: Tuna, Salmon, Bluefish

Following the above-mentioned diet can help you get rid of most of your hair loss or hair managing problems, but there comes a time when you need to consult a specialist as in some cases even after following all the good habits the results are not as expected if you are such a person. You can contact Harleys hair transplant clinic. We have expert hair transplant surgeons, who can guide you with the best hair treatment solutions. Book an Appointment with us now! You can call us on the following numbers +91 93200 48601, +91-22 2630 0749. Call us today!


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