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All You Need to Know About Hair Transplantation

All You Need to Know About Hair Transplantation

  • By Harleys Clinic
  • Jan, 10 2023

Hair loss can occur due to various factors, and while some are temporary, others cannot be reversed and may result in permanent hair loss. Hair transplantation is a permanent surgical treatment in which the surgeon implants the hair follicles taken from the donor area into the patient's bald area. This treatment has become  more popular as it is an excellent way to restore lost hair. It gives the person a fuller head of hair and makes them look younger and more attractive.

Read on to learn more about this amazing hair restoration procedure in detail with the information shared about the hair transplant procedure in detail by the famous and best hair transplant doctor in Mumbai, Dr. Sumit Agarwal practicing at the Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic.


Reasons for Hair Loss

Regardless of the cause of hair loss, hair transplants are the most effective method to restore lost hair and self- esteem. Hair loss can be due to the following:

  • Hereditary
  • Physical stress
  • Poor diet
  • Thyroid disease
  • Excessive hair styling and coloring
  • Smoking
  • Scalp infections
  • Medical conditions such as anemia and polycystic ovary syndrome in women
  • Use of excessive birth control pills
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Vitamin B deficiency in the body
  • Natural aging.

The Following are some Important Facts to Know About Hair Transplants:

1. Hair transplants do appear natural. The indistinguishability of natural and transplanted hair is one of the main benefits of hair transplants. A candidate can anticipate getting a head of hair that looks natural, covers any bald spots, and can be styled regularly. Hair transplants allow candidates to have fuller, more natural-looking hair and avoid the hassles of hair piece or wig. Natural results are achieved through Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Follicular Unit Extraction is an advanced hair transplantation technique that propels the field of hair transplant surgery one step closer to a minimally invasive procedure. Hair grows in groups of two to four; each is called a follicular unit. Follicular units are extracted individually using specialized tools, and scarring is not as noticeable in the donor region.

A long, thin piece of tissue is removed from the scalp's back during follicular unit transplantation, sometimes referred to as the "strip method" of hair transplantation. Follicular Unit Transplantation is sometimes called Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS). Maximizing hair restoration fullness is the main objective of FUT hair transplantation. When a surgeon performs FUT surgery well, a little scar is left in the donor area that a haircut can conceal.

2. Best results. The hair follicles are permanent after the treatment and do not require any kind of specialized treatment. A candidate can expect to start seeing the new hairs grow approximately 4 months after the treatment. The hair will continue to grow the same way as the hair in the donor area as time passes, thus creating a fuller, thicker head. Any type of haircut and styling is possible for the hair.

3. Hair transplants do not harm the brain. The scalp skin outermost layer is where the procedure for hair transplantation is carried out. The brain is covered by skull bone and is not in direct contact with the incisions

4. Only you can be your hair donor. In a hair transplantation procedure, the surgeon takes a candidate's own hair and transfers it to an area where they do not have hair. Unlike other transplant procedures, hair transplants do not require a donor or recipient family member. Before beginning a transplant procedure, the surgeon evaluates your donor area by folliscope.

5. The results are permanent. The hair transplant results are long lasting once the grafted hair regrowth begins. Patients will not encounter hair loss in the transplanted area. Hair transplants do not give instant results. A candidate can expect to see around 50–60% new hair growth after 4-6 months of the treatment and about 9– 12 months for maximum growth.

6. Hair loss patterns are less common in younger people. Hair transplants are generally performed on people over 25, when significant hair loss has already occurred. Men with the Male pattern of hair loss respond best to hair transplantation. People with high hair follicle density generally receive better coverage.

7. Hair transplants do not cause cancer, and there is not even any remote connection between hair transplants and cancer.

8. The procedure is painless and requires minimal recovery time. The FUE process is less traumatic as the hair transplant does not involve any stitches or linear scarring. A candidate may also have the option of taking anxiolytics before surgery. Local anesthesia will be injected to the scalp to numb it.

9. The hair transplant procedure leaves minute scars. Technological advancement has reduced the size of post-surgical scars, and leaves only minute scars which are readily concealed by nearby hair.

10. Large Number of grafts will produce high density. Yes, but the number of follicles in each graft determines the overall volume of hair. The quality of grafts depends on the thickness of hair.

11. Age is not a factor in determining candidature for hair transplantation. An ideal candidate for hair transplantation is anyone with healthy donor hair who experiences chronic hair loss. Hair Transplant can be done in any adult man more than 21yrs age with stabilized hair fall pattern.

12. The cost of hair transplantation is a bit high, but that does not mean it is not affordable. The latest increased demand has lowered costs, making it accessible to every human being. A hair transplant is a one- time investment that gives lifelong results. For more information on hair transplant cost in Mumbai, make a visit now at Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic, one of the best hair transplant clinics in India. The clinic is popular among many celebrities and social media personalities, as it offers the best surgical outcomes to its patients.

13. A candidate should always wash their hair after a hair transplant. Once the healing process is complete, the growth of newly grafted hair is unaffected by hair washing. The treated area must be kept clean and dry to avoid infection after the treatment.

Here are some preoperative precautions one must take before a hair transplant procedure.

  1. Inform the doctor of any medications that one might be taking to know if they need to stop them before the procedure. Avoid taking supplements a week before the surgery.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking for at least a week before surgery. Smoking reduces the oxygenation of the blood in the scalp, resulting in blood loss during surgery.
  3. Avoid using hair oil. Stop using harsh chemical products such as hair colorants and dyes.
  4. Although hair transplant procedures are minimally invasive, a more responsible clinic would suggest you get specific blood markers checked to avoid complications during the surgery.
  5. Stay away from heavy activities the day before the procedure and get appropriate rest. Do not stress about the process, and leave the rest to the doctors.

Other precautions to take before hair transplantation

  • Do not take blood thinners for about a week before the surgery.
  • Do not take any health supplements or vitamins for a week before the surgery.
  • Do not shave hair before the surgery.
  • To increase blood flow to the scalp, do a good scalp massage for 10 to 20 minutes every day for a few weeks.
  • Stop application of Minoxidil 10 days before Hair Transplant.

Precautions to take after hair transplantation

  • Do not wash the hair or shower for at least 3 days after the treatment.
  • Use gentle and scent-free shampoos for a few weeks once the patient start cleaning the hair
  • To help speed up healing, take a couple of days off work.
  • Do not comb or brush hair for at least 2 weeks.
  • Do not wear tight hat or other clothing that goes over the head.
  • Do not do any strenuous physical activity for at least a week.

The top benefits of getting a hair transplant in Mumbai at Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic:

1. Improved appearance: It is one of the most reliable and satisfying solutions that can enhance the overall appearance of the hair and face. The hair transplant gives one back those delightful days of flaunting a head full of hair, improves the appearance of any individual, and thereby boosts their confidence.

2. A permanent solution: The hair transplant surgery gives you a permanent solution, giving one peace of mind, unlike other solutions that only work temporarily.

3. No bald spots, more confidence: The baldness that troubled one for so long will all be solved. After the hair transplant surgery, the patient will feel free to socialize with a newer self. The hair transplant procedure helps one resolve all hair-related issues, as it solves all problems, such as receding hairlines or bald spots on the head. It is one of the most effective hair treatments, as the patients will not experience any balding or hair loss in treatment area.

4. Negligible maintenance: Hair transplant surgery is relatively low maintenance. Only primary care needs to be done once the hair follicles start growing. It does not need any special shampoos or chemicals to have dense hair.

5. Cost-efficient: Hair transplant surgery is just a one-time expense. It is expensive as it is a permanent solution for hair loss. However, the cost may differ from person to person depending upon various factors such as location, skill, and experience of a surgeon.

At Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic, hair transplant in Mumbai. The popular hair transplant procedures like revision hair transplant, vertex (crown) hair transplant, and female frontal hair transplant are also performed. To know more, book a consultation today!

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